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 A Voice of Reason. 

 A Candidate for All. 

Christopher (Chris) Gura is a proud candidate for the Chippewa Valley School Board of Education. In addition to being an alumnus of Chippewa Valley High School (attending K-12 in CV Schools) and a district parent, Chris is a long-time supporter of the district and its teachers through his service as a trustee and President of the Chippewa Valley Educational Foundation.


As an attorney and business litigator, Chris is a pragmatic problem-solver and has experience making tough, strategic decisions in the face of adversity. A fierce advocate who is not afraid to stand-up for what is right, even if that means pushing back against the status quo, Chris will bring to the table the business acumen and problem-solving skills to help guide the district and resolve complex issues based on objective facts, data and reason balanced with compassion and empathy. Chris believes in fiscal accountability and making decisions that are in the best interest of the district as a whole and the students/community in which it serves.


Safe schools for students and staff

Scholastic excellence

Fiscal responsibility

Strong communication between
district and the community


Juris Doctor from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (2002); Bachelor of Arts from Michigan State University (1994)

Professional Experience:
Over 20 years of experience as an attorney and business litigator resolving complex commercial disputes for individuals and business clients

 Family Values 

Chris and his wife Jessica (also a Chippewa Valley graduate) have been married for 27 years and are the proud parents of Spencer (Dakota Grad '15), Madeline (Dakota Grad '18) and Blake (Dakota Grad '21).

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Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contribution exceeds $100 in an election cycle. The maximum amount an individual can donate is $1,000 per election. Contributions to CTE Christopher Gura are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited.

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